• Multi Disciplinary college affiliated to C.S.J.M University, Kanpur
  • Recognized by UGC
  • Established in 1959 by Lt. Shri Devendra Mani Dwivedi
  • Accredited B Grade by NAAC in feb 2016
  • Study Center(47038) of IGNOU, New Delhi
  • 44.78 acres Campus
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Structure of Purva Chhatra Samiti Janta College Bakewar 

                The structure of the Purva Chhatra samiti Janta College Bakewar will have two Administrative Assembly.

1. General Assembly:-

Life members of Purva Chhatra samiti Janta College Bakewar will be the members of the General Assembly ( Body). This assembly will be the supreme authority in all matters related to the samiti.

2. Management Committee: -

The Managing Committee selected by the General Assembly of the Purva Chhatra Samiti Janta College Bakewar will be the Governing Committee of the Purva Chhatra Samiti Janta College Bakewar

Managing Committee -

                   To carry out the work of Purva Chhatra Samiti , Janta College Bakewar, management committee which will include the Patron, Precident, Vice President, Secretary, Co-Secretary and five Managing Committee members.

Duties and Powers of the Managing Committee -

      The following will be the duties of the Managing Committee of Purva Chhatra Samit Janta College Bakewar -

     a. To collect and provide funds for various activities of the Purva Chhatra Samiti under the budgetary provisions determined by the Managing Committee.

     b. Increasing membership and participation of Purva Chhatra through actively working .

     c. To review the membership fee structure and adopt reasonable and appropriate changes.

     d. The Managing committee will be collectively responsible for the decisions taken under the structure of the memorandum and rules and regulations. If any decision of the management committee is in conflict with the memorandum and rules and regulations, then all the official and members of the management committee will be collectively responsible. and also will be separately liable.

Selection process of officials and members of the management committee -

               The officials and members for the Managing committee of Purva Chhatra Samiti will be elected unanimously or by election by the members of the General Assembly for a tenure of 5 years.

              All life members of the Purva Chhatra Samiti, known as members of the General Assembly of the Samiti, shall have the right to vote.

The process of amending the memorandum and rules and regulations of the Samiti -

            Amendments to the memorandum and rules and regulations of the Purva Chhatra Samiti ,Janta College Bakewar shall be subject only to a majority vote of 2/3rd of the members present at the Annual General Assembly Meeting.

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