The Library was established in the year 1959 with 350 number of books. Library has 14514.78 Sqr. feet area. A well-stocked library is an asset to the college. Library has a rich collection of Printed text & reference books are 52176. Library has subscribed journals & magazines which covers the subject offered by the college. Currently Library Classification on DDC Scheme with 22nd edition And Library AACR2 Catalog Card Maintained. There are 1800 Students, Teaching and Non teaching Staff & Research Scholars. Library time is to open 8:00am to 8:00pm. Library will remain closed on all Sunday and National Holidays.
We have been operating the library software developed to work from the last many years. Software for University Libraries (SOUL) is a state-of-the-art integrated library management software designed and developed by the INFLIBNET center. The SOUL2.0 Consists of the following modules Acquisition, Catalogue, Circulation, OPAC, Serials Control, Administration. The College Library has Computerized circulation counter is made available for Issue, Return and Renewal of books. The entire book collection is bar-coded.
library Electronic Resources - College library has the membership to access the N-LIST Program me. It Provides to access the 6000+e-journals and 199500+ e-books through N-List and 6,00,000 e-books through NDL. Login, password will be provided later on.