- Multi Disciplinary college affiliated to C.S.J.M University, Kanpur
- Recognized by UGC
- Established in 1959 by Lt. Shri Devendra Mani Dwivedi
- Accredited B Grade by NAAC in feb 2016
- Study Center(47038) of IGNOU, New Delhi
- 44.78 acres Campus
S.No. |
Class |
No. of Seats |
Qualification/Process of Addmission |
1. |
B.Sc. (PCM) |
160 |
Intermediate with Mathematics group and must have at least 45% Marks aggregate in Science subjects theory & Practical Separately for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
2. |
B.Sc. (Bio) |
80 |
Intermediate with Bio group and must have at least 45% Marks aggregate in Science subjects theory & Practical Separately for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
3. |
B.Sc. (Ind. Chem.) |
40 |
Intermediate with Mathematics group and must have at least 45% Marks aggregate in Science subjects theory & Practical Separately for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
4. |
B.Sc. (Biotech) |
40 |
Intermediate with Bio group and must have at least 45% Marks aggregate in Science subjects theory & Practical Separately for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
5. |
B.Sc.(Computer Application) |
40 |
Intermediate with Mathematics group and must have at least 45% Marks aggregate in Science subjects theory & Practical Separately for General and OBC candidate.Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
6. |
B.Com |
180 |
Intermediate with Commerce must have at least 45% in Theory and 48% for other groups for General and OBC candidate.Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
7. |
B.Sc. (Ag) |
120 |
Intermediate with Agriculture or Biology and must have at least 45% marks in aggregate Theory and Practical separately for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Written Exam. |
8. |
M.Sc. (Maths) |
25 |
B.Sc. with Mathematics and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory, 50% in Practical, 45% in theory in the subject in which admission is sought for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Written Exam. |
9. |
M.Sc. (Zoology) |
15 |
B.Sc. with Zoology and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory, 50% in Practical, 45% in theory in the subject in which admission is sought for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of written Exam. |
10. |
M.Sc. (Ag)Horticulture |
15 |
B.Sc. (Ag) and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory and 50% in Practical for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of written Exam. |
11. |
M.Sc. (Physics) |
15 |
B.Sc. with Physics and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory, 50% in Practical, 45% in theory in the subject in which admission is sought for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
12. |
M.Sc.(Ind.Chemistry) |
20 |
B.Sc. with Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory and 50% in Practical, 45% in theory in the subject in which admission is sought for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
13. |
M.Sc. (Micro.) |
20 |
Admission through University Counseling. |
14. |
M.Sc. (Biotech.) |
20 |
Admission through University Counseling. |
15. |
M.Com. |
60 |
B.Com. and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
16. |
30 |
B.Sc./B.Com/B.Sc.(Ag) and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory and Practical separately for General and OBC candidate.Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
17. |
M.Sc.(Agronomy) |
60 |
B.Sc. (Ag) and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory and 50% in Practical for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
18. |
M.Sc.(Chemistry) |
60 |
B.Sc. with chemistry and must have at least 45% aggregate in Theory and 50% in Practical for General and OBC candidate. Admission on the basis of Merit List. |
International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Incubation in Agriculture, Science, Commerce and Social Sciences will be held on 7-8 March 2025.
Date: 22-02-2025International Workshop on Waste Management and Recycling Strategies For Sustainable Development will be held on 19th Feb 2025.
Date: 14-02-2025Information regarding organizing a competition on the topic of cultural heritage on 22-11-2024.
Date: 21-11-2024Important information regarding filling the examination form.
Date: 19-11-2024Information regarding organizing seminar under National Library Week programme.
Date: 18-11-2024information regarding House match to be held from 16-11-2024.
Date: 14-11-2024Information regarding holiday on 15-11-2024.
Date: 13-11-2024Information regarding essay competition to be held on 16-11-2024.
Date: 11-11-2024Information for the members of the sports committee regarding the organization of the house match.
Date: 06-11-2024Information for all students regarding essay competition.
Date: 06-11-2024Information regarding the schedule of cultural activities to be held from 7.11.2024 to 14.11. 2024
Date: 24-10-2024Information regarding mid term examination of Commerce Faculty students.
Date: 24-10-2024Notice for all students regarding innovation idea.
Date: 09-10-2024Information for all students Sport Calender
Date: 05-10-2024Information regarding Online Teacher Training Programme.
Date: 01-10-2024Information for all students about Water Logging in College due to Heavy Rainfall.
Date: 12-09-2024Important information for B.Sc. Agriculture seventh semester students.
Date: 12-09-2024Information regarding placement of final year students.
Date: 09-09-2024Information regarding scholarship for first year B.Sc AG and MSc AG students
Date: 07-09-2024Notice for all students regarding filariasis awareness program and medicine distribution.
Date: 05-09-2024Important Information for all professors and staff
Date: 24-08-2024Information regarding New Registration of N.C.C.
Date: 12-08-2024Information for B.Sc Agriculture students regarding NSS registration.
Date: 06-08-2024Information for NSS volunteers regarding registration
Date: 06-08-2024Information for NSS volunteers regarding tree plantation.
Date: 06-08-2024B.Sc.(Ag) Time Table for Session:2024-25
Date: 06-08-2024Notice for Students regarding their Classes
Date: 03-08-2024B.Sc. (AG) First semester classes will be held from 25th July. Orientation program will be held on 26th July 2024 from 11:00 in the seminar hall.
Date: 25-07-2024Class Schedule for B.Com. for Session:2024-25
Date: 24-07-2024Download Fifth Waiting List and Counseling Schedule of B.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25
Date: 24-07-2024Class Schedule for B.Sc.(AG) I Semester for Session:2024-25
Date: 23-07-2024Download Fourth Waiting List and Counseling Schedule of B.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25
Date: 22-07-2024Download Merit List and Counseling Schedule of M.Sc.(Zoology) for Session:2024-25.
Date: 22-07-2024Information regarding admission in MSc Agronomy and MSc Chemistry first year for Session:2024-25
Date: 19-07-2024Recruitment Notice for various teaching posts under self-finance scheme.
Date: 19-07-2024Download Third Waiting List and Counseling Schedule of B.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25.
Date: 18-07-2024Download Second Waiting List and Counseling Schedule of B.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25
Date: 16-07-2024Download Waiting List and Counseling Schedule of B.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25.
Date: 12-07-2024Information regarding submission of admission form for M.Sc. first year (Physics, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Industrial Chemistry, M. Com) and P.G.D.C.A.
Date: 10-07-2024The entrance examination for admission to M.Sc.(Mathematics and Zoology) will be held on 20-07-2024.
Date: 06-07-2024Download Merit List and Counseling Schedule for M.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25
Date: 05-07-2024Download Merit List and Counseling Schedule for B.Sc.(AG) for Session:2024-25
Date: 05-07-2024Download Result Entrance Exam of M.Sc.(AG-Horticulture) for Session:2024-25
Date: 29-06-2024Download Result Entrance Exam of B.Sc.(Ag) for Session:2024-25.
Date: 29-06-2024Result of B.Sc. Agriculture Entrance Exam will be declared on 25th 2024.
Date: 10-06-2024Information regarding the entrance exam of B.Sc Agriculture to be held on 09-06-2024
Date: 08-06-2024First Merit list for admission in B.Sc.(Bio) first year for Session: 2024-25
Date: 25-05-2024First Merit list for admission in B.Sc.(Bio Tech) first year for Session: 2024-25
Date: 25-05-2024First Merit list for admission in B.Sc.(Computer Science) first year for Session: 2024-25
Date: 25-05-2024First Merit list for admission in B.Sc.(Math Group) first year for Session: 2024-25
Date: 25-05-2024First Merit list for admission in B.Com first year for Session: 2024-25
Date: 25-05-2024Important information regarding merit based admission for session:2024-25
Date: 25-05-2024Information regarding holiday on 13-05-2024.
Date: 11-05-2024Information regarding holiday on 07-05-2024
Date: 06-05-2024Information regarding best result achieved in B and C certificate examination by NCC cadets of Janta College Bakewar.
Date: 04-05-2024Information for all students regarding voter awareness
Date: 04-05-2024Online Admission form for Session: 2024-25
Date: 04-05-2024Information regarding filling the examination form of even semester.
Date: 02-04-2024Information regarding filling the examination form of even semester.
Date: 02-04-2024Information regarding organizing seven-day special camp of NSS.
Date: 13-03-2024Information for all professors regarding the Agricultural Science Exhibition to be held on 28th and 29th February 2024.
Date: 12-02-2024Notice to all professors regarding an important meeting
Date: 09-02-2024It is with great sadness that the entire college family has to inform that Captain Upendranath Pandey, a lifelong member of the Janata College Management Committee, has passed away on 23 January 2024.
Date: 24-01-2024Information for the members of Library Department, Sports Department, and Cultural Activities Committee regarding an important meeting to be held on 24 January 2024 regarding NAAC evaluation.
Date: 24-01-2024Information for all employees and students regarding the Prime Minister's direct communication with the new voters of the nation through virtual mode at 11:00 am on the occasion of Voters' Day on 25 January 2024.
Date: 24-01-2024Information for all employees and students regarding the organization of Republic Day celebration in the college on 26 January 2024.
Date: 23-01-2024Information for all NCC and NSS students regarding celebration of Voter's Day on 25 January 2024 at 10:30 am in the seminar hall.
Date: 23-01-2024Information for the in-charge of all the committees regarding an important meeting of Criteria 5 related to NAAC to be held in the Principal's room on 20 January 2024.
Date: 20-01-2024Information for all employees and students regarding college holidays on 22 January 2024.
Date: 20-01-2024Information regarding the duty of the employees of the mobile distribution program to be held in the college on 19th and 20th 2024.
Date: 18-01-2024Information regarding holiday in college on the occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti on 17-01-2024.
Date: 16-01-2024Information regarding distribution of free tablets/smartphones by the Uttar Pradesh government to students studying at graduate and post-graduate level for technical empowerment.
Date: 16-01-2024Information regarding organizing a workshop under Yoga skill on 18 January 2024.
Date: 16-01-2024Information regarding organizing a symposium under Youth Week on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's birth anniversary on 15.1.2024.
Date: 13-01-2024Information for all teachers, employees and students regarding summer vacation from 31 12 2023 to 6.1.2024
Date: 30-12-2023As per the instructions of the University, the digital assessment centers for assessment work will remain open for all days including Sundays as before.
Date: 30-12-2023Information for all professors and employees regarding attendance at the National Seminar PRAGATI-2023 on 29th and 23th December.
Date: 28-12-2023Information regarding the commencement of evaluation of answer sheets of odd semester examinations of C.S.J.M.U, Kanpur at the evaluation center of the college.
Date: 25-12-2023Information for all employees regarding holiday on the occasion of Christmas Day on 25th December.
Date: 23-12-2023Information for all professors and employees regarding attendance at the National Seminar CTFAST-2023 on 22nd and 23rd December.
Date: 21-12-2023Information for all professors and staff regarding the meeting to be held in the Principal's room regarding the seminar to be held on 22nd and 23rd Dec 2023.
Date: 19-12-2023Information for students regarding celebration of the legacy of Shri Nivas Ramanujan from 28th December to 24th December under Mathematics Week on the occasion of National Mathematics Day 2023.
Date: 14-12-2023Information regarding the seminar PRAGATI-2023 to be organised in the college on 29th and 30th December.
Date: 12-12-2023Information regarding the seminar to be organized on the subject of Current Trends and Frontier Advances in Science and Technology on 22nd and 23rd December at Janta College, Bakewar.
Date: 10-12-2023Information for all teaching staff to provide some details.
Date: 09-12-2023Information regarding the meeting of IQAC and Academic Committee members to be held on 8-12-2023.
Date: 08-12-2023Information for all teachers regarding an important meeting to discuss about the seminars to be organized in the college.
Date: 04-12-2023Information for all students regarding Bhart Jano Quiz competition to be held on 05-12-2023.
Date: 02-12-2023Information regarding remedial classes for all students of first semester of Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Commerce.
Date: 02-12-2023Information for all students regarding speech competition to be held on 05-12-2023.
Date: 01-12-2023Information regarding changing the opening timings of the college library from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Date: 30-11-2023Information for all students regarding Essay writing competition to be held on 02-12-2023.
Date: 28-11-2023Information for all students regarding poster competition to be held on 04-12-2023.
Date: 28-11-2023Information for all teachers and employees regarding seven-day computer training from 1 Dec 2023 to 8 Dec 2023.
Date: 28-11-2023Information regarding holiday on 27-11-2023.
Date: 25-11-2023Information regarding holiday on 24/11/2023.
Date: 23-11-2023Information for all students regarding Science Model Competition
Date: 22-11-2023Information about various competitions organized by Youth Club Janta College Bakewar
Date: 22-11-2023Information for NSS students regarding poster competition, quiz competition and speech competition to create road safety awareness.
Date: 22-11-2023Information regarding the necessary meeting of Indian Language, Culture, Art and Publication Cell.
Date: 22-11-2023Information regarding singing competition to be held on 29-11-2023.
Date: 21-11-2023Information regarding a meeting of the Library Committee
Date: 21-11-2023Information regarding the meeting of Agriculture and Science Exhibition Committee
Date: 20-11-2023Information regarding organizing the closing ceremony of various activities under National Library Week.
Date: 20-11-2023Information to all professors and employees regarding recording their attendance through biometrics.
Date: 20-11-2023Information for all professors regarding submission of books in Specimen Book Club.
Date: 18-11-2023Information for all professors and students regarding the organization of a general knowledge competition under National Library Week.
Date: 18-11-2023Information regarding the meeting of the members of the Disability Assistance and Disadvantaged Group Assistance Scheme Promotion Cell Committee
Date: 17-11-2023Information regarding the meeting of Mentoring, Psychology Counseling and Student Safety Group Cell Committee members and students
Date: 17-11-2023Information regarding providing information about books written by all the professors of the college.
Date: 10-11-2023Notice about Schedule of mid term exam of all commerce students
Date: 10-11-2023Notice of holiday in college on the occasion of Diwali.
Date: 10-11-2023Information regarding midterm exam schedule for agriculture students
Date: 04-11-2023Information regarding schedule of midterm exam for students of Science and Commerce faculty.
Date: 04-11-2023Information for students regarding the organization of exhibition under Startup Conclave 2023 in Gujarat.
Date: 04-11-2023Notice regarding the duty of professors and staff for the program to be organized on 27th Oct 2023
Date: 26-10-2023Important information about RAWE program for B.Sc Agriculture seventh semester students
Date: 09-10-2023Game Notice:Information regarding House Matches
Date: 05-10-2023Information to NCC cadets for organizing Prabhat Pheri and cleanliness program in the college on the occasion of Shri Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti on 02.10.2023.
Date: 30-09-2023Information to NCC cadets for organizing cleanliness program in the college on 01.10.2023
Date: 30-09-2023Notice for All Student to do Registration for NSS Programme
Date: 18-09-2023Information to NCC cadets for organizing a seminar on Road Safety Campaign from 17th July 2023 to 31st July 2023.
Date: 24-07-2023Notice for B.Sc.(AG) Part 1 Students regarding Orientation Program.
Date: 22-07-2023Notice for B.Sc. I Semester Students regarding their class schedule
Date: 20-07-2023Download Entrance Exam Merit list for B.Sc.(AG) Admission: 2023-24
Date: 26-06-2023Entrance Exam result for B.Sc.(Ag) and M.Sc.(Ag) has been declared.
Date: 25-06-2023View Entrance Exam result for B.Sc.(AG) and M.Sc.(Horti.) -2023-24
Date: 25-06-2023Important: Last date extended to fill Admission form for Session: 2023-24
Date: 31-05-2023Notice about admission form for Session: 2023-24
Date: 30-05-2023Online Admission form for Session: 2023-24
Date: 30-05-2023Notice: Faculty development programme for the pupose upgradating of Education
Date: 18-05-2023Notice Inviting Quotation for magazine and Prospectus 2023-24.
Date: 27-04-2023List of in-charge and associate teachers for conducting the annual sports competition to be held on 21 April 2023.
Date: 20-04-2023Notice regarding an urgent meeting of the members of the hostel Committee
Date: 11-04-2023Notice regarding an urgent meeting of the members of the publication Committee
Date: 11-04-2023Information from all professors, employees and students regarding holiday in the college.
Date: 29-03-2023Information regarding presentation of Pre-PhD course work of all researchers of agricultural science.
Date: 27-03-2023Information regarding a condolence meeting
Date: 20-03-2023An important information for the members of all the committees formed in the college
Date: 18-03-2023Information regarding an important meeting of the members of the Campus Management and Building Construction Committee.
Date: 20-02-2023Information for all departmental in-charges and laboratory assistants of the college
Date: 15-02-2023Information to NCC cadets for flag hoisting program on the occasion of Republic Day on 26.01.2023
Date: 25-01-2023Information to NCC Cadets for organizing Voter Awareness Rally on the occasion of Voter's Day on 25-01-2023.
Date: 23-01-2023Information for all students of commerce faculty regarding training in computerized accounting software Tally.
Date: 17-01-2023Information for all the professors and librarians of the college to provide information related to NAAC/IQAC CITRATION 3.
Date: 16-01-2023Information to NCC cadets for organizing seminar under Road Safety Campaign on 17-01-2023.
Date: 16-01-2023Information to NCC cadets for organizing awareness rally under Road Safety Campaign on 16-01-2023.
Date: 14-01-2023Notice for all students about agricultural seminar/ workshop
Date: 11-01-2023Information to NCC cadets regarding celebration of birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda dated 12-01-2023
Date: 11-01-2023Information for all the students regarding the house match to be organized in the college.
Date: 05-01-2023Notice regarding winter vacation
Date: 24-12-2022Notice about essay competition being held on date 19-12-2022
Date: 14-12-2022Notice about debate competition being held on date 17-12-2022
Date: 14-12-2022Notice for students regarding Agriculture Model Competition
Date: 09-12-2022Notice for all Students regarding Speech Competition
Date: 09-12-2022Information for NCC cadets regarding cleanliness program under Puneet Sagar Campaign on 08-12-2022.
Date: 07-12-2022Information for NCC cadets regarding cleanliness program under Puneet Sagar Campaign on 08-12-2022.
Date: 06-12-2022Important: Information for all students regarding information required for registration on DIgiShakti Plateform
Date: 01-12-2022Information regarding remedial classes for all students of first semester of Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Commerce.
Date: 01-12-2022Notice for all students regarding singing competition
Date: 30-11-2022schedule for cultural activities
Date: 23-11-2022Information regarding the schedule of various cultural activities to be organized in the session 2022-23.
Date: 19-11-2022Important information to all students regarding smart phone or tablets distribution
Date: 17-11-2022Notice for all students who were absent in their practical exam
Date: 12-11-2022Notice for All teaching and non teaching staff regarding a Workshop
Date: 05-11-2022Notice regarding meeting of proctorial board members
Date: 01-11-2022Information to NCC cadets for organizing Oath and Run for Unity on the occasion of National Unity Day on 31.10.2022
Date: 29-10-2022Notice for students about their offline class
Date: 17-10-2022Notice about conducting a Free Health Check up Camp
Date: 13-10-2022Notice for conducting online classes for students
Date: 12-10-2022Notice About Hostel closing due to water problem
Date: 12-10-2022Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the vacant posts of Assistant Professors in various departments of Agriculture on contractual basis.
Date: 11-10-2022Notice for B.Sc., B.Com., M.Com and M.Sc. Final year students regarding Online Examination form
Date: 11-10-2022Seminar on Nutrition Awareness Month
Date: 28-09-2022Notice for M.Sc./M.Com./M.Sc.(Ag) students Regarding Online Exam form
Date: 17-09-2022Notice for all B.Sc.(I and III Semester) and B.Com.(I and III Semester) students Regarding Online Exam form
Date: 17-09-2022Important notice for all students who have not appeared in Even Semester Practical Exam: 2021-22
Date: 14-09-2022Workshon on Ancient Mathematics and Mathematician held on 09-09-2022
Date: 12-09-2022One Day Workshop on "National Nutrition Week 2022" held on 07-09-2022
Date: 08-09-2022Important Notice for All students
Date: 08-09-2022Notice: One day workshop on Ancient Mathematics and Mathematician
Date: 07-09-2022Notice regarding games competition
Date: 07-09-2022Notice regarding Female Kabaddi championship and Male Kabaddi championship
Date: 07-09-2022Notice: A Lecture on Anemia and blood donation camp
Date: 07-09-2022Road Safty Club
Date: 07-09-2022Guest Lecture on "New Education Policy-2022" delivered by Prof. Ravindra Shukla on 02-09-2022
Date: 03-09-2022Guest Lecture by Prof. Asha Shukla, former vice chancellor of Dr. B.R. University, Mahu Indore(M.P)
Date: 03-09-2022Notice for all students regarding NSS Registration
Date: 02-09-2022Important: Waiting list for M.Sc.(Zoology) Part-1 admission for OBC Categories
Date: 02-09-2022Important: Merit list for M.Sc.(Math) Part-1 admission: 2022-23
Date: 02-09-2022Important: Waiting List for M.Sc.(Zoology) Part-1 Admission: 2022-23
Date: 01-09-2022Important: Notice for M.Sc.(Math) Part-1 Admission for Session: 2022-23
Date: 29-08-2022Important: Merit list for M.Sc.(Zoology) Part-1 Admission for Academic Session-2022-23
Date: 29-08-2022Notice About NCC Enrolment
Date: 22-08-2022Important:B.Sc.(AG) Part-1 4th Waiting list for Unreserved Seats
Date: 18-08-2022Time Table for B.Sc.(AG) I Semester
Date: 16-08-2022Important information for all students of B.Sc.(AG) III, V and VII Semester
Date: 16-08-2022Important:Third Waiting List for B.Sc.(Bio Group) Part-1 Admission
Date: 16-08-2022Important: Third Waiting List for B.Sc.(AG) Part-1 Admissions
Date: 13-08-2022Important: Second Waiting List for M.Sc(Horti) Part-1 Admissions
Date: 13-08-2022Information to NCC cadets for organizing Mera Desh Meri Mati program under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav series on 14-08-2023.
Date: 13-08-2022Important: Waiting List for B.Sc.(AG) Part 1 Admission
Date: 10-08-2022Important: Waiting List for M.Sc.(Horticulture) Admission
Date: 10-08-2022Important: Waiting List for B.Sc.(Bio) Part 1 Admission
Date: 10-08-2022Important: Notice for B.Sc. and B.COM students regarding completion of Admission process
Date: 09-08-2022Important: Waiting of UR, OBC and SC for B.Sc.(Bio Group) admission for session 2022-23
Date: 07-08-2022Important: Waiting list for BSC(AG) Part-1 Admission of All categories for Session-2022-23
Date: 07-08-2022Important: Notice for students regarding completion of Admission Process
Date: 06-08-2022Important: Information for Admission
Date: 01-08-2022Important: Merit List for B.Sc.(BIO) Part 1 Admissions for Session 2022-23
Date: 01-08-2022Important: Merit List of B.Sc.(AG) Admissions for Session-2022-23
Date: 30-07-2022Important: Merit List for M.Sc.(AG) Horticulture Admissions for Session-2022-23
Date: 30-07-2022Information to NCC cadets about celebrating Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26.07.2022.
Date: 25-07-2022Important Notice: Admission form Last date extended for B.Sc., B.COM. and B.Sc.(AG)
Date: 23-07-2022Notice about Admission Date
Date: 20-07-2022Important: Merit List for B.Sc.(Bio Tech) General Seats
Date: 19-07-2022Important: Merit List for B.Sc.(Computer Application) General Seats
Date: 19-07-2022Important: Merit List for B.Sc.(Math) OBC and SC Seats
Date: 19-07-2022Important: Merit List for B.Sc.(Math) General Seats
Date: 19-07-2022Notice: Last date Extended for M.Sc. AG Admission form for Session 2022-23
Date: 15-07-2022Notice: Last date Extended for Admission form for Session 2022-23
Date: 23-06-2022Agni-Veer Yojana 2022
Date: 20-06-2022Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing pond cleaning program under Puneet Sagar campaign on 08-06-2022.
Date: 06-06-2022Important: Download Admission form for Academic Session: 2022-23
Date: 24-05-2022Important: Admission notice for Academic Session: 2022-23
Date: 24-05-2022Information to NCC cadets for organizing awareness rally under Road Safety Week on 23-04-2022.
Date: 22-04-2022Information for all NCC cadets regarding the organization of 'Nadi Jano' program under Puneet Sagar Campaign on 09-04-2022.
Date: 08-04-2022Information for all students regarding the annual sports function to be held on 8th April 2022.
Date: 01-04-2022Information to NCC cadets for organizing yoga training on 14-03-2022.
Date: 12-03-2022Information for all the students regarding the trial of All India Interuniversity Tournament by Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University on 27 and 28 December 2021.
Date: 23-12-2021Information regarding the schedule of various cultural activities to be organized in the session 2020-21.
Date: 21-12-2021Information to NCC cadets for organizing tree plantation program in the college campus on 21-12-2021.
Date: 20-12-2021Information for all the students of the college regarding the cricket competition to be organized in the college.
Date: 17-12-2021Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing an awareness rally under Road Safety Week on 07-12-2021.
Date: 06-12-2021Information regarding remedial classes for all students of first semester of Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Commerce.
Date: 01-12-2021Information regarding the schedule of various cultural activities to be organized in the session 2021-22.
Date: 30-11-2021Information for all the students regarding the house match to be organized in the college.
Date: 17-11-2021Information to NCC cadets for organizing a voter awareness program and a seminar in the gymnasium on the occasion of National Unity Day on 31.10.2021.
Date: 29-10-2021Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing cleanliness awareness program on the occasion of birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 02-10-2021.
Date: 01-10-2021Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing cleanliness awareness program on the occasion of birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 02-10-2021.
Date: 01-10-2021Information to NCC Cadets for organizing Fit India Movement on 30.09.2021
Date: 29-09-2021Information for NCC cadets about Nutrition, Health and Hygiene Awareness Program under Mission Shakti Abhiyan on 21-09-2021.
Date: 08-09-2021Information for NCC cadets about Nutrition, Health and Hygiene Awareness Program under Mission Shakti Abhiyan on 21-09-2021.
Date: 08-09-2021Information for NCC cadets about Nutrition, Health and Hygiene Awareness Program under Mission Shakti Abhiyan on 21-09-2021.
Date: 08-09-2021Information for NCC Cadets regarding the organization of Mission Shakti Orientation Program to be held on 02-09-2021.
Date: 01-09-2021Information to NCC Cadets regarding Independence Day Parade on 15-08-2021.
Date: 13-08-2021Notice for NCC cadets regarding awareness program on No Single Use Plastic topic on 13-04-2021
Date: 08-04-2021Information to NCC cadets regarding celebration of birth anniversary of Raja Sohel Dev on 10-03-2021.
Date: 09-03-2021Information for NCC cadets regarding the seminar to be organized on the occasion of International Literacy Day on 08-03-2021
Date: 06-03-2021Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing an awareness rally under Road Safety Campaign on 05-02-2021
Date: 04-02-2021Information to NCC cadets for organizing tree plantation program in the college campus on 30.01.2021
Date: 29-01-2021Information to NCC cadets regarding celebration of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Jayanti on 24-12-2020.
Date: 11-12-2020Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing a seminar on Plastic Waste Management on 12-12-2020.
Date: 04-12-2020Information regarding remedial classes for all students of first semester of Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Commerce.
Date: 01-12-2020Information to NCC Cadets for organizing an awareness seminar on online Google Meet Up on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 01.12.2020
Date: 29-11-2020Information to NCC cadets for organizing an awareness rally and a seminar on online Google Meet on 24-11-2020.
Date: 22-11-2020Information for NCC cadets regarding organizing a seminar on an awareness program on crop residue management and prevention of stubble burning.
Date: 06-11-2020Information for NCC Cadets regarding a Seminar on Sanitation Awareness Program on 4th 11th 2020
Date: 03-11-2020Information to NCC cadets to celebrate National Unity Day on 31.10.2020.
Date: 29-10-2020Information to NCC cadets for organizing a seminar on women safety and awareness program under Mission Shakti Abhiyan on 24-10-2020.
Date: 22-10-2020Information to NCC Cadets for organizing a seminar on Nutrition Awareness under Mission Shakti Abhiyan on 23-10-2020.
Date: 21-10-2020Information to NCC cadets for organizing awareness seminar on cyber crime on online Google Meet App on 25-10-2020.
Date: 20-10-2020Information to NCC Cadets for organizing a online seminar on Google Meet on the topic Save Girl Child on 11-10-2020.
Date: 10-10-2020Information to NCC cadets for flag hoisting in the college on the occasion of Republic Day on 26-01-2020
Date: 25-01-2020Information to NCC Cadets on the occasion of Independence Day on 15-08-2019.
Date: 14-12-2019Information regarding remedial classes for all students of first semester of Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Commerce.
Date: 10-12-2019Information to NCC cadets for organizing awareness rally under Swachhta Pakhwada on 30.11.2019.
Date: 28-11-2019Information to NCC Cadets for organizing a Public Awareness Rally on the occasion of Indian Constitution Day on 26-110-2019.
Date: 22-11-2019Information to NCC cadets for organizing awareness rally on the occasion of World Diabetes Day on 14-09-2019.
Date: 13-11-2019Information for the concerned in-charge regarding house matches of sports competitions in the college.
Date: 30-10-2019Information to NCC cadets for organizing Run for Unity on the occasion of National Unity Day on 31.10.2019
Date: 29-10-2019Information for all students regarding the selection of finals of Inter College Kho Kho (Men) Competition 2019-20.
Date: 28-09-2019Information for NCC Cadets regarding organization of a Public Awareness Rally on the occasion of International Literacy Day on 08-09-2019
Date: 08-09-2019Information regarding remedial classes for all students of first semester of Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Commerce.
Date: 01-12-2018Information regarding the schedule of various cultural activities to be organized in the session 2018-19.
Date: 26-08-2018Information regarding the schedule of various cultural activities to be organized in the session 2017-18.
Date: 16-09-2017Fees Structure for Academic Session 2020-21
Date: 17-07-2017Courses offered by IGNOU, New Delhi at this study center
Date: 21-06-2015